How Mara Hoffman uses TryNow to generate $1.26M in incremental revenue and a 30.3x ROI


in incremental revenue


ROI after accounting for incremental return costs


TryNow conversion rate

New York womenswear brand with sustainable ethos


Luxury Women's Clothing


New York City






Mara Hoffman is a contemporary fashion brand offering high-quality, sustainable clothing. Showcasing sustainable designs and an ever-expanding range of apparel.


Shoppers hesitate to invest in higher-priced items without assurance of the perfect fit

For premium apparel brands with higher price points, achieving the right fit across styles and materials is a common challenge. It's hard to convince shoppers to buy if they're unsure about fit, especially if it's their first time trying the brand. To meet customer demands and improve their experience, Mara Hoffman took action.

As prices rose due to market changes, consumers became more mindful of their spending. Mara Hoffman tackled this by integrating TryNow, easing price concerns and enhancing the shopping experience.


Building Mara Hoffman's Shopper-Centric TBYB Program with TryNow

To address price sensitivity and drive revenue, Mara Hoffman introduced a customer-centric Try Before You Buy program. By offering shoppers the opportunity to try items before purchasing, TryNow eliminated hesitation and instilled confidence, allowing customers to explore various styles and sizes without commitment. This approach encouraged shoppers to experiment and to try more items, increasing the likelihood of finding and keeping products they truly loved.

Mara Hoffman strategically placed entry points for the TryNow program in prominent locations within the main navigation and product detail pages. Coupled with additional marketing efforts, this resulted in an impressive conversion rate of 10.81% among users, underscoring the program's effectiveness in engaging customers and driving sales.

Mara Hoffman's TryNow Collection Page Linked in the Main Navigation
Mara Hoffman PDP Entry Point

Mara Hoffman set up their TBYB Program to encourage larger carts and a shorter return window:

  • Allow shoppers to try up to 8 items.
  • Shoppers can try in the comfort of home for 7 days after delivery.
  • Easy returns for whatever shoppers don’t love.
“Working with the TryNow team over these last few years has been really amazing. Every single touch point has been great. You can feel they're invested in your business as much as you are, and onboarding was very smooth. They were always on top of it and it was always a partnership.”

- Macarena Cifuentes, Commercial VP of Mara Hoffman


TryNow generated $1.26 million in annual incremental net sales for Mara Hoffman and continues to evolve with additional entry points

Since implementing TryNow, Mara Hoffman has experienced an extremely positive, appreciative, and confidence-building customer response. Shoppers are adding more items to their carts to try out different styles, and a common trend is that shoppers order the same style in various sizes to find the right fit:

“I really liked the try before you buy… It allowed me to try multiple sizes of items without an initial charge. Would definitely use it again!" - Mara Hoffman Shopper Marcia

This program has not only attracted new customers but also fostered loyalty within the existing customer base. Customer feedback underscores the success of Mara Hoffman's TBYB program, with 100% of respondents expressing positive experiences.

“I love the TryNow option especially because the stores near me usually don't carry or have many sizes of Mara Hoffman pieces." - Mara Hoffman Shopper Erin
"Try before you buy is great to try styles I normally would not! Nothing needed to improve." - Mara Hoffman Shopper Gale

On top of the positive responses, Mara Hoffman has witnessed transformative results since launching TBYB:

  • $1.26M in incremental revenue
  • 30.3x ROI after accounting for incremental return costs
  • 10.81% TryNow conversion rate
"Our shoppers really love TryNow. The feedback has been nothing but positive. Over the last few years, being a sustainable company, we've had to increase some of our pricing, and TryNow has significantly reduced price sensitivity while increasing conversion rates. Our TryNow AOV is almost double what our standard AOV is."

- Macarena Cifuentes, Commercial VP of Mara Hoffman

Mara Hoffman expanded to additional entry points, launching a Try Before You Buy connected TV ad campaign. This reached 70,000 households and led to a 4.57% conversion rate—significantly higher than the baseline homepage CVR of 0.6%. With a ROAS of 4.15x, these retargeting campaigns exceeded expectations, positioning Mara Hoffman at the forefront of e-commerce innovation with their Try Before You Buy strategy.

"You don’t realize how broken the existing buy before you try model is until you experience the other side. Shoppers love filling their carts with more items and deciding when they want to, not when they have to. And we love the impact on conversion rates and lifetime value. A win-win!"

- Macarena Cifuentes, Commercial VP of Mara Hoffman

Try Before You Buy, Fully Equipped

A platform supercharged with powerful features to delight your customers and drive more revenue.